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The small emperor goose (Chen canagica) has very distinctive orange feet and legs. Males and females have grey body plumage that is subtly barred with black and white. They can be found on the coasts, mudflats, and coastal tundra of Alaska and Russia and occasionally in Canada, Washington, Oregon and California. Emperor geese fly lower than other species of goose, with faster wingbeats. They feed on plants, crustaceans and mollusks. The latin name canagica comes from the name of one of the islands in the Aleutian chain called Kanaga.
Emperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor gooseEmperor goose juvenileEmperor goose juvenile