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20,000 species of bee live around the world. Bees drink the sweet nectar of flowers, moving between plants and transferring pollen, which fertilises different species, enabling them to produce fruit and seeds. Bees have four wings, not two - they actually hook them together to form one big pair when flying and then unhook them when not flying! The average hive produces about 11kg of honey during a season! That's the equivalent of about 24 jars. Bees must fly about 55,000 miles just to make one pound of honey (which is less than half a kilo! However, not all bees produce honey: for example, solitary bees - as their name suggests - like to live on their own, and don't have a queen, or live in hives.
BeekeeperBeesBeesCarpenter beeCarpenter beeCarpenter beeCarpenter beeCommon carder beeCommon carder beeCommon carder beeHairy legged/Pantaloon mining beeHoney beeHoney beeHoney beesHoney beesHoney beesHoney bee swarmHoney bee swarmHoney bee swarmHoney bee swarm