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The slender-billed gull (Larus genei) has long, blackish-red legs, a dark red beak, and yellowish-white eyes, with a red eye ring. It is most easily identified by its distinctive profile, with a long, sloping forehead and a long, slightly drooping beak, for which it is named. The juvenile slender-billed gull has greyish markings on its head, and immature birds have darker markings on the wings and more pink-orange legs than the adults. The Slender-billed Gull breeds widely at isolated, scattered localities, from Senegal, Mauritania, and the south and east of the Iberian Peninsula, through the Mediterranean, Black Sea, Asian Minor and the Middle East to east Kazakhstan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and north-west India.
Slender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gullSlender billed gull