The brown-fronted woodpecker (Dendrocoptes auriceps) has a brownish forehead, dark cheek stripe, distinctive black barring on white back, and white spots on black shoulders and wings. The yellow head is bordered by red feathers in the male and by black feathers in the female. It lives in temperate forests and subtropical or tropical moist montane forests in the northern regions of the Indian subcontinent, primarily the lower-to-middle altitudes of the Himalayas.
Female Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpeckerFemale Brown fronted woodpecker