The Common or Little Indian Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis bengalensis) is a similar greenish-blue to the nominal and UK but is smaller and brighter than the European races. It breeds in southern and eastern Asia from India to Indonesia, China, Korea, Japan and eastern Mongolia; winters south to Indonesia and the Philippines. Food is mostly small fish or amphibians caught on dives from a perch or from a hovering bird.
Little Indian KingfisherKingfisher (Little Indian), femaleLittle Indian KingfisherLittle Indian KingfisherLittle Indian KingfisherLittle Indian KingfisherLittle Indian KingfisherKingfisher (Little Indian)Little Indian KingfisherLittle Indian KingfisherLittle Indian KingfisherLittle Indian KingfisherKingfisher (Little Indian)