The Tawny owl (Strix aluco) is a stocky, medium-sized owl commonly found in woodlands across much of Eurasia. It is rarely seen, but most often heard about two hours after sunset in late autumn or winter. It is strictly nocturnal and rarely seen during the day unless disturbed. Only the male owl utters the familiar drawn-out hoot: both males and female also make the well-known kewick call. In fact, Tawny owls make the familiar 'too-wit too-woo' call during the night and early hours but this is actually a male and female owl calling to each other - the female makes the 'too-wit' sound and the male answers with 'too-woo'. Tawny owls are mottled grey - or reddish-brown – with a big, round head, large, dark eyes and rounded wings. Hill hooter and screech owl are both old names for the tawny. Several names are a reminder of its daytime roosts: wood owl, beech owl and ivy owl. Like almost all owls, the wings of a tawny owl are completely silent.