The tanagers comprise the bird family Thraupidae, the second largest family of birds (after flycatchers) with currently around 240 species, and represents about 4% of all avian species and 12% of the Neotropical birds. It is likely that modern analysis may move some of these birds into other groups. The family can be seen across the Americas - some 60% live in South America.
See also: Bay-headed tanager, Black capped tanager, Blue and black tanager, Blue-grey tanager, Brazilian Tanager, Cherrie's tanager, Crimson backed tanager, Flame-coloured tanager, Golden-hooded tanager, Hepatic tanager, Lachrymose Mountain tanager, Palm tanager, Passerini's Tanager, Red-crowned ant tanager, Santa Marta Mountain tanager, Silver-throated tanager, Sooty-capped bush tanager, Speckled tanager, Summer tanager, Swallow tanager, Western tanager