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The common pochard (Aythya farina) is a medium-sized diving duck. The males have a reddish brown head, a black breast and tail, with pale grey feathers on the back and wings. The females are duller and brown in colour. It breeds throughout much of Europe into Asia; it winters in south and Western Europe. The Common Pochard is a gregarious bird, and forms large flocks in winter, often mixed with other diving ducks, such as the Tufted Duck, which they are known to hybridise with.
See also: Baer's pochard, Red crested pochard, Rosybill
Common pochardCommon pochardCommon pochard, femaleCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochard, femaleCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochard, femaleCommon pochard, femaleCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochardCommon pochard, female