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The yellow-headed blackbird (Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus) is a medium-sized North American blackbird, and the only member of the genus Xanthocephalus. It has one of the most unique bird calls. It has been described as a strange mixture of honking, gurgling and strangling noises. Adults have a pointed bill. The adult male is mainly black with a yellow head and breast; they have a white wing patch sometimes only visible in flight. The adult female is mainly brown with a dull yellow throat and breast. Both genders resemble the respective genders of the smaller yellow-hooded blackbird of South America. They forage in the marsh, in fields or on the ground - mainly eating seeds and insects.
Yellow headed blackbird, femaleYellow headed blackbird, maleYellow headed blackbird, maleYellow headed blackbird, maleYellow headed blackbird, male