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Thrushes make up Turdidae, a family of some 300 passerine birds that occurs worldwide. This family includes blackbirds, bluethroats, chats, nightingales, redstarts, rubythroats, shortwings, thrushes, wheatears. Most are in a single genus (Turdus) which contains some 60 species.
See also: Black bill thrush, Blue capped rock thrush, Blue crowned laughing thrush, Clay-colored thrush, Great thrush, Greater necklaced laughingthrush, Louisiana waterthrush, Mistle thrush, Orange-headed thrush, Ruddy-capped nightingale-thrush, Slaty backed nightingale thrush, Song thrush, Wood thrush
Abyssinian groundscraper thrushAbyssinian ground thrushAfrican thrushBlack billed thrushBlack breasted thrush femaleBlack breasted thrush maleBlue capped rock thrushBlue crowned laughing thrushBlue rock thrushBlue whistling thrushChestnut bellied rock thrushClay coloured thrush / robinGreater necklaced laughing thrushGreat thrushLouisiana water thrushMistle thrushAbyssinian mountain thrushOrange headed ground thrushRuddy capped nighingale thrushSlaty backed nighingale thrush