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The red-bellied woodpecker (Melanerpes carolinus) name is a little misleading, as the reddish tinge on the belly is extremely difficult to see in field identification. The most prominent red part of its plumage is on the head. The male's colouring is more extensive and includes some red feathering around the beak. The female carries her colouring further back on the head. It breeds mainly in the eastern United States, ranging as far south as Florida and as far north as Canada. The Red-bellied Woodpecker is attracted to noises that resonate. The male will tap loudly on metal gutters, aluminium roofs and even vehicles to attract a mate. It also has the reputation of eating more fruits and berries than other woodpeckers.
Red bellied woodpecker, femaleRed bellied woodpecker, maleRed bellied woodpecker, femaleRed bellied woodpecker, maleRed bellied woodpecker, femaleRed bellied woodpecker, maleRed bellied woodpecker, maleRed bellied woodpecker, male