Barbets are named for the bristles at the bases of their stout, sharp bills, which make them look as though they have beards. Barbet is the French diminutive of barbe, which means beard. The red-and-yellow barbet (Trachyphonus erythrocephalus)lives in eastern Africa, in woodlands, scrubland and savannah, where it usually forages on the ground near trees or bushes. Red-and-yellow barbets often build nests inside termite mounds (termite nests), using their strong, heavy beaks to break into the mounds.The Masai use the feathers of red-and-yellow barbets as clothing decorations. Red-and-yellow barbet adult males have distinctive plumage made up black with spotted white, red and yellow. It has a black forehead and crown with a slight crest. The nape is orange and red with black spots. The female is similar to the male, but is, overall, much duller, with less red and orange, and more yellow and white.