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The Great black backed gull (Gull marinus), also known as the greater black-backed gull or, informally, as the black-back, is slightly smaller than a herring gull. It is distinguished by its sheer size and unmistakable black back and wings. Adults are blacker than the smaller lesser black-backed gull. The bill is yellow with a red spot, like the Lesser Black-backed Gull and Herring Gull. The eye is yellow with a red orbital ring. The legs and feet are pink; these facts together with the size of the bird are distinguishing features. In the winter the head is lightly streaked with grey.
Great black backed gullGreat black backed gullGreat black backed gullGreat black backed gullGreat black backed gull, immatureGreat black backed gull juvenileGreat black backed gull, juvenileGreat black backed gull, juvenileGreat black backed gull, juvenileGreat black backed gull, juvenileGreat black backed gull, juvenileGreat black backed gull, immature