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Ruppell's Griffon Vulture (Gyps rueppellii), named after German explorer and naturalist Wilhelm Peter Eduard Simon Ruppell, is the highest flying bird ever recorded with a recorded altitude of 36,000 feet. This vulture has an average cruising speed of 22 mph and stays in the air from 6-7 hours every day. These birds will fly for incredible distances (up to 90 miles) in order to find food, or nesting materials. It is found in the open woodlands, grasslands and mountain regions of Africa.
Ruppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vultureRuppell's griffon vulture