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The Himalayan monal (Lophophorus impejanus) – the national bird of Nepal – lives in the Himalayan Mountains, from eastern Afghanistan to western China. The male Himalayan monal possesses a wiry, metallic green head-crest that is absent in other monal species. There are sharp edges on the bird's mandible that are important in cutting and splitting plants that are very tough. The birds forage with their shovel-like beaks, sometimes digging holes as deep as a foot. They do this instead of using their feet as some other birds. A highly communicative bird, the Himalayan monal uses several different call types to express meaning to its mate, other birds in its foraging group, or intruding birds. Males also use body displays to attract females; bobbing the head-crest and fanning their tail feathers. It is also known as the impeyan monal or impeyan pheasant.
Himalayan monalHimalayan monalHimalayan monalHimalayan monalHimalayan monalHimalayan monalHimalayan monalHimalayan monalHimalayan monalFemale Himalayan monalFemale Himalayan monalFemale Himalayan monalFemale Himalayan monalFemale Himalayan monalFemale Himalayan monal