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The western swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) is a "swamp hen" in the rail family Rallidae. From its French name talève sultane, it is also known as the sultana bird. This chicken-sized bird, with its large feet, bright plumage and red bill and frontal shield is easily recognisable in its native range. It used to be considered the nominate subspecies of the purple swamphen. It is found in Iberia, France, Sardinia and North Africa to Tunisia.
In 2015, the purple swamphen was split into the following species:
Western swamphen (Porphyrio porphyrio) - southwest Europe and northwest Africa
African swamphen (Porphyrio madagascariensis) - sub-Saharan continental Africa and Madagascar
Grey-headed swamphen (Porphyrio poliocephalus) - Middle East, through the Indian subcontinent to southern China and northern Thailand
Black-backed swamphen (Porphyrio indicus) - southeast Asia to Sulawesi
Philippine swamphen (Porphyrio pulverulentus) - Philippine islands
Australasian swamphen (Porphyrio melanotus) - Australia, New Zealand, and Oceania
See also: Grey headed swamphen, purple gallinule
Western swamphen with juvenileWestern swamphen with juvenileWestern swamphenWestern swamphen, juvenileWestern swamphenWestern swamphen, juvenileWestern swamphenWestern swamphen with juvenileWestern swamphenWestern swamphenWestern swamphen